Deciding to investigate the origin of bothersome UFO dreams, memories and experiences is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. The choice could irrevocably alter your life. If you learn that you actually have undergone UFO abduction experiences, there will be no turning back.
Deciding to investigate the origin of bothersome UFO dreams, memories and experiences is one of the most important decisions you will ever make and can alter your life. If you learn that you actually have undergone UFO abduction experiences, there will be no turning back. Your relationship to friends, relatives, and even to the world might change. Therefore, you must undertake the decision to learn about your experiences with the utmost seriousness. There are many reasons for deciding against such an exploration. First of all, the timing may be wrong. Severe anxieties brought about by personal events (a divorce, a death in the family or other emotional upheaval) may provide an unstable background for pursuing this kind of potentially traumatic investigation. Whether or not you see yourself as having “emotional problems,” you must nevertheless consider your situation cautiously. You must also think very carefully about the consequences of having your sometimes life-long “deniability” ended. UFO abduction recollections can sometimes be too upsetting and too difficult to handle under such circumstances. Any hidden experiences will always be there, so you can choose to investigate them at a future, safer time.
It is also important to remember that sometimes memories are not reflective of reality. People remember things that did not happen to them. They confabulate imaginary scenarios. They remember events incorrectly. This is especially a danger when an inexperienced, incompetent, or agenda-laden hypnotist is the investigator. You must retain a very healthy skepticism of all your memories.
If you do decide to explore your memories, you can expect new and sometimes difficult challenges in your life. Any freshly recalled abduction events may prompt new, unexpected revelations. You might wonder if these disturbing events could happen again. Unsettling questions about the possible involvement of your family could also arise. Recalling and accepting the truth of your UFO experiences can alter your relationships with the very people who are closest to you. Though some abductees find support from their family and friends, they are, unfortunately, in the minority. Talking about your UFO abduction can easily cause even family and friends to question your sanity. If your loved ones truly care about you, their concern with your mental health is an appropriate, and even loving, reaction. You must be understanding of their point of view.
There is, of course, another side of the coin, a more positive side. First, the exploration of memories can lead to gains in self-awareness accompanied by a lessening of chronic anxiety. Your conception of reality itself might be broadened considerably, and this could be viewed as a positive gain. You might be able to reassess your life with new information about yourself. This unique situation can give you the opportunity to change your conception of previous thought and behavior. And, your desire to explore these experiences is, undeniably, a positive move toward your own well-being.
Once you move forward to explore your abduction recollections and you feel that they are based on real events, you might gain new insight into years of previous behavior. Past actions, thoughts, and emotions might take on new meaning, and you may be able to explain them to yourself for the first time. The act of recalling previously unremembered events can sometimes relieve major problems related to the subject in your life. Some abductees have reported that they are finally able to sleep normally and to go about their daily lives free from anxieties related to these disturbing half-memories and “dreams.” Through hypnosis it is possible to bring these events into “normal” recall where the abductee can ultimately come to terms with them. To see a previously buried traumatic event clearly and wholly is to begin the process of removing its power over your life.
For other abductees, however, the knowledge of what has happened to them creates a new set of sometimes difficult problems that they must now confront. Depression, sleep disturbance problems, and anxiety over the well-being of one’s family are commonly described difficulties. However, people who have chosen to go through the process of finding out what happened to them with a competent hypnotist/researcher are almost always satisfied with their decision.